Juno Health

Juno Health, a black owned-POC focused Harlem-based health start-up, contracted me to develop a LINK NYC campaign. This campaign was displayed across LINK NYC digital billboards throughout the New York City area. Subsequently, an Instagram ad campaign was launched to raise awareness about their POC, women-friendly, all-inclusive brick-and-mortar offices.




Visual Designer, Video Editor


Adobe Creative Suite

Harlem-centric Campaign

Embracing Diversity in Key Locations

To generate awareness for the newly established office spaces in Harlem, I emphasized the importance of representing people of color within the community. This strategy involved creating compelling advertisements that prominently featured individuals from diverse backgrounds, effectively connecting with and engaging the local community.

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Juno Video Ad

Expanding Audience Reach through Instagram Ad Placement

In order to extend our reach beyond our existing Instagram following, we executed an ad campaign on the Meta platform. This allowed Juno to reach people outside of the local New York City placements aswell.

Social Media Templates

Templatizing for Juno Health's Quick Business Growth

Juno Health is experiencing rapid growth, and the strategic use of social media plays a crucial role in scaling operations. I developed a variety of versatile templates, which are showcased below, enabling quick and seamless adjustments to facilitate efficient AB testing.


• Highlighting real stories from current patients

• Showing inclusivity to make patients feel represented

• Inviting community to connect

• Driving a specific demographic tied to location